About Us

Historical Setting, Aim, and Objectives

The GIBICTS Center for Community and Youth Development (GCCYD) was established approximately 18 years ago by Mr. Foster Oteng, who initially founded Magacom, a computer training facility. In 1998, Mr. Oteng established Magacom Computer Training with a branch located in Konongo, en route to the heart of Ghana. Around the same time, he acquired a 3-acre plot of land near the village of Adadekrom in the Birim North District of the Eastern Region. His intention was to develop the land for various purposes, including fish and animal farming, crop cultivation, and other activities. In 2009, Magacom Computer Training relocated to the Birim North District’s New Abirem Area and was renamed the Global Institute of Business and ICT Studies (GIBICTS). Due to Mr. Foster Oteng’s expertise and passion for Agribusiness, he decided to incorporate agricultural training into GIBICTS’ core functions. He successfully established a livelihood in agriculture alongside his employment at Newmont Ghana Gold Ltd., Akyem Mine, by purchasing a 14-acre plot of land dedicated to cocoa and oil palm production. These ventures proved successful within the aforementioned territories.

After being laid off by his employer in 2013, Mr. Foster Oteng made agriculture and computer training his primary occupations for a period. He also became a member and founder of Optimist International, a global organization focused on fostering optimism and positive outlooks among young people to unlock their full potential. As the president and founder of the local chapter in the eastern part of the country, Mr. Oteng discovered his capacity to inspire and motivate youth to achieve greatness. Through his involvement in the club’s activities, he realized the abilities and resources he possessed, which could be used to support underprivileged youth.

Motivated by his newfound awareness and desire to make a difference, Mr. Oteng decided to utilize the available resources and his skills to empower young people and equip them with the necessary tools to overcome the challenges they face in the outside world. This vision led to the establishment of the GIBICTS Center for Community and Youth Development, with the aim of nurturing and developing the potential of disadvantaged youth.

Aims and Objectives

The overarching aim of the GCCYD is to develop and build the capacity of underprivileged youth through apprenticeship programs in ICT, Agribusiness, and Vocational/Technical fields, promoting self-employment and other forms of employment. This aim is intended to contribute to reducing youth unemployment and poverty rates in Ghana and Africa as a whole. Additionally, GCCYD aims to support young people through tertiary education and grant educational scholarships.

The primary objective of GIBICTS is to provide comprehensive Vocational and Technical Skills training to individuals, particularly young people, enabling them to effectively utilize their skills and become employable members of society. Furthermore, the institution’s objective is to equip students with the essential ICT skills necessary to succeed in the modern, computer-driven world.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the GCCYD Youth Empowerment and Capacity Building programs are:


To create a platform that empowers individuals to discover and develop their innate potential, enabling them to become the best version of themselves.


The mission of GIBICTS Center for Community and Youth Development is to empower underprivileged youth by developing and strengthening their capacity through apprenticeship programs in ICT, agribusiness, and vocational/technical fields. This aims to promote self-employment and other forms of employment, ultimately reducing youth unemployment and poverty rates in Ghana and across Africa.


GIBICTS is guided by the following core values:


CORE Collaborations, Networking, and the Way Forward

GCCYD has fostered collaborations with Innovative Enterprises and Higher Institutions of Learning, including:

Looking Ahead

In the next five years, GCCYD plans to establish a state-of-the-art training facility with accommodation options for its Apprenticeship and Internship programs. This will enable the organization to increase its capacity and provide a comprehensive learning experience for its participants.

Long-term Vision

Ultimately, GCCYD’s long-term goal is to contribute significantly to Africa’s achievement of higher rates of youth employment and reduced poverty by 2030, aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).